Travel Guides

don't do what derek did

I Was Hit By A Drunk Driver On An International Vacation

My first memory was of a lady asking me for a credit card. She wasn’t standing behind a counter, no, ...
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How The Devil Saved Me From Indecent Exposure In Korea

A million to one odds. So many great stories start that way. One great Seinfeld episode even ends that way. ...
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World’s Only Aerial Video of the 1,000 Year Old Khajuraho Temples

Located in the middle of nowhere in Madhya Pradesh, the 1,000 year old Khajuraho temples are one of the most ...
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Trekking Annapurna Conservation Area Guide: What (Not) To Do

My first experience in Nepal was filled with earthquakes and relief work, so it was not until my third trip ...
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Derek Eats That! Cockroaches

“Don’t be afraid of what I eat — be afraid of what I won’t eat.” Of course eating cockroaches is ...
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How Long-Term Travel Ruins Your Life

Pssst! Hey! Yes, you. Come closer. I have a secret to share with you. Something that everyone should be aware ...
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Travel Fucktastrophes: The Stories I’ve Never Told

When traveling, there are those stories that are never told. No, not the ones about what happened in Bangkok or ...
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Kathmandu Photos Minutes And Days After The Nepal Earthquake

Last week after successfully completing the Rickshaw Run with all my limbs intact, I decided to head up to Nepal ...
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Life In An Immigration Detention Center

Recently I happened to find myself locked up abroad in Indonesia for 16 days all because of a tweet. (Yes, ...
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Derek Eats That! Episode 01: Sup Torpedo (Bull Penis Soup)

For the first episode of Derek Eats That! it seemed only fitting to start with the big one: bull penis. ...
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Top Culinary Achievements Of 2014 + Photos & Videos

2014 has been a fun-filled and food-filled year but not one without it’s share of trials and tribulations (case in ...
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Derek Drives That! Strange Vehicles, Exotic Locations And Unparalleled Mischief

I love trying out new and strange forms of transportation while traveling but one thing is even more fun: actually ...
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