Japanese Toilets: Impressive, Futuristic…And Daunting To First-Timers

There is nothing more gratifying than a top notch toilet. And when it comes to fancy toilets it is fairly ...
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I Just Met My Future Wife!!!!

The subject about says it all but at the same time it says nothing about what has really transpired during ...
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Okay, Officially Got Lost In Tokyo

Well, Jared and I got lost for the first time since we’ve been here in Tokyo last night. We both ...
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OMG F’ing Tokyo!

Wow, I don’t even know what to say. First off we fucking made it to Tokyo! I can’t believe that ...
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Our Tokyo apartment

ohh man we are finally here in shibuya 15 hours on an airplane wow lil bit crazy…. fun stuff though ...
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Man what a first day in Tokyo

Ever embarrassingly thrown up in public in another county!?!? Well I have 🙂 twice now actually first time in the ...
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Tokyo, I Love You And Will Never Leave You

Oh wow how can I express this city…this county…. where can I even begin to start? Tokyo I Love You! ...
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