Travel Guides

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If You Use Chrome, I Can Steal Your Passwords

This is a far cry from my normal travel posts, but it is something that all digital nomads should be ...
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You Know You Are In Bolivia When…

Bolivia is a thought-provoking and unique country, with friendly locals who will not hesitate to share a smile with you ...
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10 Reasons Solo Travel Is Better

Why is solo travel better than traveling with friends or family? Sure, there are many pros and cons to each ...
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Strange Customs Regulations Around The World

As anyone who has traveled internationally will tell you, it is a learning experience like no other. Our planet is ...
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How To Become A Dictator In 8 Easy Steps

Ever wondered how to become a dictator? Turns out that one thing travel teaches you is that not all democracies ...
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What Noise Do Dogs Make Around The World?

“What the hell is that? Is that a dog?! What noise do dogs make here?!?!?” I asked incredulously. Turns out ...
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Life In An Immigration Detention Center

Recently I happened to find myself locked up abroad in Indonesia for 16 days all because of a tweet. (Yes, ...
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Best Things To See And Do In Trincomalee, Sri Lanka

Swimming with Blacktip Reef sharks. Learning how to cook crab curry. Drinking toddy fresh from the palm tree. Pristine beaches ...
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10 Things You Don’t Know About Sri Lanka

One of the best things about visiting a new country is learning new things. No matter how much research you ...
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The Amazing Batik Art Of Indonesia (And How It’s Made!)

Colorful patterns. Intricate designs. Vivid landscapes. One of the most iconic things about Indonesian culture is the batik art and ...
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Girihadu Seya: Oldest Buddhist Temple In Sri Lanka

Up in the northeastern corner of Sri Lanka lies an amazing place named Trincomalee but often referred to as heaven. ...
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Monster Pizza Challenge in Las Vegas!

In the grand pantheon of arousing audio/visual entertainment, food-based television ranks second only to hardcore porn. They are very similar ...
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