Travel Guides

things you do not know

Japanese Lodging: Try Something Different

Every country has hotels and hostels…what does Japan do differently? Just because Japan is constantly looking towards the future does ...
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Water Wars: Growing Tension Between Bangladesh & India

Have you ever heard of Bangladesh? It’s okay to say no, you won’t be the first one…and I’m sure you ...
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Random Travel Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Did you know that Europe is the only continent without a desert? Or that American Airlines saved $40,000 by eliminating ...
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The 7-Colored Sands Of Chamarel, Mauritius

Ever visited the African country of Mauritius? It is an island nation east of Madagascar in the southwest corner of ...
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Perla del Pacifico: Mansion Turned Pirate Hostel + Private Art Collection in Costa Rica

Located on a four-mile long sand peninsula, Puntarenas is a relatively small coastal fishing town that also supports a lot ...
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