
7-Colored Sands of Chamarel, Mauritius

The 7-Colored Sands Of Chamarel, Mauritius

Ever visited the African country of Mauritius? It is an island nation east of Madagascar in the southwest corner of the Indian Ocean. It was the only known habitat of the now-extinct Dodo bird. And much like that ill-fated avian species, the colored sands of Chamarel are also unique to Mauritius. Nowhere else on earth … Read more

Burning Flipside 2KX

My Six-Month Hippie Road Trip

Have you ever left on what you thought would be a one-week vacation, only to not return home until six months later? Yeah, that is what happened to me during the summer of 2010. Turned into quite the epic hippie road trip too. (Now that I’ve decided to pursue travel blogging, might as well share … Read more

Discovered a deserted coastal cave in Australia

How to Migrate to Australia Without Bringing Your Whole House

With a policy of multiculturalism, Australian immigrants account for 29% of the whole population. Most of them are skilled workers, but family members and refugees are part of that number. The immigration-friendly policy of the country is one reason why foreigners dream of going to the country to settle. If you have been asking yourself, ’How … Read more

Tokyo Railway Station

How To Navigate The Sprawling Tokyo Railway

At first glance the sheer magnitude of the sprawling, tangled Tokyo railway and subway system can be a little intimidating — and by a little I mean a lot. Have no fear! It is a lot easier than you would initially expect, even if you do not speak a word of Japanese. Huge maps and … Read more

To Be, Or Not To Be A Tourist ― Volunteering in Africa

Experiential travel is one of the biggest buzzwords in today’s rapidly changing travel industry, but there’s more than one way to get under the skin of a country. For ultimate cultural immersion, a voluntour provides you with the perfect mix, and there’s a deeper sense of commitment when the holiday is focused on the objectives … Read more

Perla del Pacifico, Costa Rica

Perla del Pacifico: Mansion Turned Pirate Hostel + Private Art Collection in Costa Rica

Located on a four-mile long sand peninsula, Puntarenas is a relatively small coastal fishing town that also supports a lot of tourism. While there we happened to stumble upon this magnificent mansion turned hostel on the northern shore, the Perla del Pacifico (which as you may have guessed translates as “Pearl of the Pacific”), the … Read more