How To Get A Job In The California Marijuana Fields

Worth over $2 billion annually, California‘s world-renowned wines used to be its number one cash crop. They’ve been surpassed — err…blown away — by the marijuana industry, which according to a 2011 report is worth $14 billion, a whopping seven times that of the vineyards! And it’s growing every year. Analysts at Cowen & Co. believe the nation’s legal cannabis industry could reach $50 billion by 2026, with California marijuana accounting for about $25 billion of that market.

Quick gift for all you Pinners 😉

How to get a job in the California marijuana business trimming weed #california #cannabis #marijuana

It should go without saying that northern California has quite a unique and interesting culture, with the cultivation and possession of the valuable plant legal on the state level but illegal on the national. Religious groups frequently join in the foray by funding private eradication teams and attack campaigns that target both the industry and any politicians supporting it. But it is also a very well-paying job and thus there is never a shortage of willing applicants. The hard part however is getting in. There is no real resume or application process, only hordes of vagabonds, hippies, and stoners flooding the nearby highway shoulders with signs that all read something to the effect of “will work for weed or money.”

US 101 In California, the starting point for everyone looking for work in the California cannabis fields
Beautiful US 101

Driving north from San Francisco on the 101, ocean on the left and redwoods on the right, is a peaceful and relaxing drive. Along this highway every fall countless wanderers and wannabe trimmers come to town in search of work. Some individuals get lucky and find it, making thousands of dollars to fund their travels in a short time. Others are forced to hitch-hike out of town empty-handed. The Emerald Triangle may break some but it also makes many, many others.

Please read the entire article before asking any questions. ALL REQUESTS FOR CONTACTS WILL BE IGNORED.

So How Does The Process Work?

As I already mentioned, the hard part is actually finding work. Although countless people around town have a dozen or two plants, all of the big farms are located up in the mountains a 1-3 hour ride away from the 101. They are scattered across countless small villages that are closed off to outsiders. During the summer growing season the California marijuana farms are cared for day and night by a grow team; the larger the grow, the larger the team.

One outdoor setup that I worked at in 2010 had a team of only four individuals for around 6,000 plants. In 2011 I worked at an older, more established farm, where the old man boasted having 25,000 plants!

Greenhouse grow at a very early stage
These young but beautiful plants will soon be covered in big, beautiful buds of some of the finest California marijuana

This work is all done by locals during the summer. Occasionally it is the property owners themselves but most often it is paid expert “weedsitters” with past experience. They work on consignment for a lump sum once the harvest is sold. It is that work which brings in both out-of-towners and Humboldt college students every fall, once the final product needs to be trimmed and packaged.

When does the California marijuana trimming season start?

Things usually kick off to a slow start in late September, with October and November being the best working months. By December (and January, if you are one of the lucky ones who has managed to hold onto their job past new year) the trimmers on hand are reduced to a bare minimum, if any. Only the most skilled workers remain, people who can trim 2-3 pounds a day if it is decent bud.

By the time harvest season finally comes around, not only around these mountain guys tired, broke, and eager to go “visit town,” but they also have not had any significant interaction with outsiders for several months. Kind of makes it hard to hire a few dozen trimmers. That is where the residents of coastal towns along the 101 come in handy — towns like Arcata, Eureka, and Fortuna.

Make friends with ‘weed agents’

Local growers will have several contacts they call every fall — think of them as “weed agents.” These agents are informed as to how much marijuana needs to be trimmed, how fast, what type of nug it is (not only strain but also key details like if it is bushy, leafy, stringy, etc) and of course the big one: when it will be ready for work. From my experience the calls usually arrive just a couple of days before the fun starts.

This is a proper California marijuana greenhouse grow with plants bigger than me and dozens of greenhouses!
“This place smells like heaven!”

These agents are then in charge of assembling teams and leading them up into the mountains, at least for outsiders not already in the loop. Obviously friends and family get preferential treatment, but many luckily individuals get plucked up off the streets. Make friends and do a good job and the same weed agent can provide you with jobs year after year.

Heading up to the mountains

Once the call has been received and you have been selected, the next step is the drive up into the mountains. Don’t be surprised if you are blindfolded, forced to pull your shirt up over your head or have your phone temporarily confiscated. Luckily as a truck owner, ever since my first trip up I’ve been a driver and never had to be blindfolded 😉

Heading back down to town after a week of trimming weed in the mountains
Coming back down from the mountains after a week of trimming weed up in the California marijuana fields

The towns where outsiders are taken to work usually don’t have a population of more than 1,500 or 2,000. Most have nothing to them but one general store (which more times than not is coincidentally owned by the biggest landowner) that will stock fresh milk, eggs, and meat. Plus they always have an ample supply of brand new Fiskars scissors and clear turkey-basting bags.

It is worth noting that sometimes the agents are given special instructions, such as hire women only. If you should ever be offered a position such as this, be careful. Certain growers prefer to use all women because they have not seen any females in months. They will frequently use lures such as alcohol, cocaine and/or other substances to distract the girls from the tedious work and take them to bed. Another popular item is to pay the girls a little bit more if they offer to trim with their tops off.
As with anything else, there are always exceptions to the rule. However it never hurts to be aware. Stay safe, ladies 😉

Trimming All Day & Night

When trimming, you are paid by your final output, not the hours worked. Current rates are $200/lb. Apparently it used to be $250 several years ago, back before the economy slowed when the area wasn’t quite so flooded with perspective workers. On average it takes about eight hours to trim a full pound, although experienced trimmers can trim as much as 3lbs in 16 hours. Of course it also depends on the type of bud, whether dense fat clumps or small stringy tufts. Regardless, you can see how it becomes easy to make a couple grand a week.

Each operation is different. Some will have lean-to cabins or guest quarters built that contain tables, scissors, overhead lighting, and a fan. There you will be forced to bring your own tent and camp outside. Others will use a trailer or two as trimming quarters but leave one area as a designated sleeping quarters. If you are lucky your operation will have a nice flat screen and plenty of movies laying around. Almost all have an abundance of booze, but it may not be free. Edibles are common and usually free. And of course you can smoke as much as you want…although you’ll be wasting time that could be spend working. So if you do smoke while working (like me) be sure to balance things wisely.  

Bucket list item #420: Get a job working on a California marijuana farm trimming weed
“I love that I can call this my job. Bucket list item #420: Get a summer job working on a California marijuana farm trimming weed can officially be crossed off the list….hoooraayyyy~!”

Trimming is actually really, really tedious. It is not fun. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a blast the first day, maybe even the second…but it very quickly becomes a chore. Your scissors get sticky and hard to operate, they must be periodically cleaned with rubbing alcohol. Everything sticks to you and you stick to everything. Several times an hour you must stop and wipe down your fingers and hands, which become literally blackened with THC referred to as “finger hash.” Most people smoke this while trimming and then take the leftover home.

Negligible Work Hazards

Another beauty of trimming is that it is a surprisingly risk-free job, despite the quasi-legal career field. As everyone should know, raids can be frequent up in the mountains. Eradication teams love to fly in officers via helicopter while simultaneously storming the front gates. Although growers have been taken to jail, the trimmers are released on scene after nothing more than a light questioning — if that. After all, we’re just victims of the economy who are trying to keep food on the table 😉

Because these towns are so small, everyone already knows everyone and they all watch each others’ backs. Daily phone call conversations (via landlines, as often these towns have no cell service) keep locals informed as to the helicopters current locations. Any strange cars along the deserted mountain roads are immediately deemed suspicious and given a watchful eye. You probably will not even realize you are being watched.

Occasionally if anti-marijuana teams should get to close, growers have been known to pay the trimmers for any unpaid work and kick them out. The growers themselves then just proceed to just lay low inside with their fingers crossed, pretending no one is home.

Did I ever tell you about the time I worked on a marijuana farm?
Did I ever tell you about the time I worked on a California marijuana farm?

Finally… Payday!

Trimming weed in the California marijuana fields is slow, tedious, and repetitive. It’s not fun, and even less so when you even add in the isolation factor. Most people, especially new trimmers, tire of it after only a few days. Others may last a week or even two, but soon everyone eventually needs a break for at least a couple days. At this point all of your turkey bags are weighed and you get handed a fat stack of cash.

Money in hand, most people spend a few days on the beach and nights at the bar, catching up with friends and random locals alike. Others relax around the slightly-bigger-yet-still-small towns along the 101, just sitting at home and being lazy for a couple of days.

It doesn’t take long before most to head back “up in the mountains” (California slang for working the cannabis fields) and repeat the whole process over. Sometimes you return to the same grow operation, sometimes you don’t, but each is always a learning experience. Once I stumbled upon this small town where one of the local residents had coined and distributed his own gold and silver coins named after said town. Turns out that several of the locals use them for transactions among themselves.

Greenhouse grow during the flowering stage
” Awww you look just like your mom…and she was smokin’!

After The Season Ends

By December the outdoor season is coming to an end and the excess work quickly dries up. Many if not most workers have already gotten tired of trimming and hit the road again.

As everyone’s final paychecks start to roll in, the town begins to empty out. Well, kind of. Half of the people take their profits and spend the following three or four months traveling, until the next planting season begins. The other half purchase new vehicles or boats, even add an extension or two on to their houses. It really is an odd mixture come spring.

And as for all of the out-of-towners that had come to the Emerald Triangle for work, most of them were already nomads to begin with. Now they have a freshly filled backpack of money with which to continue on their journeys. At least until the next season comes around, that is.

Share your comments/questions below!


Do NOT request contacts. Use browser search function to see if your question has already been asked in the thousands of comments below. Please read everything first and ASK WISELY! Thank you for your understanding, best of luck out there 🙂

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About Derek Freal

"Some people eat, others try therapy. I travel."   Cultural enthusiast. Adrenaline junkie. Eater of strange foods. Chasing unique and offbeat adventures around the world since 2008. Derek loves going to new destinations where he does not speak a word of the local language and must communicate with hand gestures, or places where he is forced to squat awkwardly to poo -- supposedly its healthier and more efficient. For more information (about Derek, not squat pooing) including popular posts and videos, check out his bio.

1,172 thoughts on “How To Get A Job In The California Marijuana Fields”

    • You know, for some reason I’m not surprised by that Nate. It did occur to me as I was publishing this post that people’s reactions to it will say a lot about their character LOL 😉

      Regardless of whether or not people smoke the stuff, it is quite a unique experience. Actually there is usually at least a cpl workers up there that don’t smoke and are purely in it for the paycheck.

        • Hi.
          Im wondering about how did you
          get in contact with the growers? im plaing to go there this year, but i have problem to find any contacts for this kind of work.
          How did you do it, maybe you have any contact overe there that you can share?*
          Pleace send a email back 😀
          best regards
          [email protected]

          • I got lucky and spent several months on a cross-country USA road trip with a bunch of the Humboldt locals before ever arriving in California. So yeah, by the time we returned there broke and exhausted from being on the road, the first thing we all did was post up on the mountain for a cpl wks to get some cash in our pockets.

            Anyway, emailing you now…

          • Hi!! same here!! ive been hearing about it for years, but never had the guts to do it…. My body can’t handle tree planting anymore, cherry seasons are too much pesticides, and mushroom picking got me broke to many times…. i need something new, can you help me out too? what about getting a job for 4 people? well you can write me at [email protected]

            hope to hear from you, and thanks for the post, really amazing!!

          • Hi there!

            Your honesty is refreshing! Also interested in a contact. Heading down the 101 for a few weeks and would love to see what this is all about! You’re only young once, right? Sounds like my jam. Thank you for sharing this!

          • hi!!! i m also very interested in this job!!!! someone can send me an email with some contact or can tell me where i can apply??????????pls thanks!!!

          • Hello Derek,

            I feel the need to work with my hands on mother earth’s creation (plants).
            I also am a nomad (sort off)
            I would love to receive some contact information on how I can get involved in doing that.
            I think that would be good for me. What do you think?
            Please send me an emai: [email protected]

          • I’m looking for a position in the trimers seat I’ve tryed my hand with different strans and have been successful in all fazes.of the proseses.please allow me to be your next loyal worker.

          • Hi Derek, I’ll arrive in San Francisco Monday 2 october ready to work as a trimmer….can you help me with some contact? or some name of place to go to looking for a job? you think is bettar go nort to Mendocino or going to San Andres at Mountain Ranch? I haven’t any contact, if you can help me somehow I’m very grateful.
            Thanks Francesco [email protected]

          • Hi Derek, 2 of us plan on taking a trip to Cali next year and would appreciate you helping us out with some contacts in the trimming business in order for us to not only find a seasonal trimming position but build some contacts since it’s just been legalized in our country.
            With gratitude,

        • Hola, estoy buscando empresas para contactar con ellas y poder contactar con ellas
          para poder trabajar en la recogida de marihuana
          podrias ayudarme???

      • Hi Derek, first of all congatulations for exposing all this amount of info so people like me can get a very accurate idea of what´s like to work as a trimmer and what to expect. i´m coming to cali at the end of august from another country and the idea is to get a trimming job somewhere, maybe you can hook me up with some more info or direct contact ?
        If not I appreciate very much your fantastic work anyway , thanks man.

          • Hey bro can you try and put a good word in for a job. I gotta getta outta this one minded!!!

          • Derek,
            Thank you! I’ve been online for a couple of hours, looking for an article as informative as this one. I live in the area – about 45 minutes south, and I would be so thankful if you could send me some information on how to get in touch with someone! If you could pass any e-mails my way, that would be super helpful! Thank you.

            ambersmouthwash [at] gmail [dot]com

          • It’s a great article! Thank you for writing it for everyone. I actually learned alot from just reading this. Although, I would love to get some trimming work as well. Could you send me the info as well please? My birthday is coming up and it would be a dream come true to actually trim for my BD 😀
            Thank you for you time!

          • Hi Derek I love your Honesty, I am looking to work in a Farm rather then trim I would love to work in the Gardens and Green houses I have some experience I’v read ED Rosenthal book an how to Grow so I have some basic knowledge If you can email me with a Couple of Contacts I Could NOT THANK YOU enough for the Information. Thanks my email is [email protected]

          • Hey! Could you shoot me off some leads for some summer work as well pretty please? 🙂



          • hi derek can you pls hook up me with someone,i would really like to work in field for a while…tnx again on your time…

          • Hi! I am looking for a trimer job in a fall, is there a chance for me to get some contacts?
            Thank you!


          • Hey Derek! Would you be able to send me some information about where you worked on a farm? I’m really interested and would love to do it! Thanks!! -Claire

          • Derek, I was wondering if you know of any contacts looking for help in the near future. There are 3 of us and we have been looking for a good contact. Please let me know. I can supply more information in email. Thanks for the help.

          • Hey Derek,
            I’m hoping to head out to California in January and grab a job trimming. I would be super grateful for any contacts you could offer me! Thanks so much for this blog and any other help you can offer!

          • Hey Derek! First off you have some really great advice and real stories, it is much appreciated. My friend and I want to go trim for the summer, I was just wondering if you have any connects you’d mind throwing our way or special advice that goes along with the business. Thank you so much In advance.

          • you must be overloaded with all of our questions, but I must know, what made you do all of this for everyone?(: Your article is real as hell! I’m not looking for any contacts or anything, just your insights if you don’t mind. People like you aren’t everywhere and certainly fascinate me. If you have to time to chat I’ve got tons of questions!! If not, that is cool and I wish you the best✌

          • Thanks. I actually wrote this when I first decide to start travel blogging professionally and was just sharing my knowledge. Took a while but now that Google places this article up top, the traffic continues to flow. So I just try to do my part and continue to help — as long as people don’t ask me questions that I already answered in the article or are covered in the hundreds of comments here.

          • Hey! I know you must be swamped, but I have some questions about that femal safety.. My roommate and I had big anticipations for this fall, and she has found us a connect but after I read your article I have a bunch of questions! If you have the time email me sometime(: but if not o wish you the best!✌

          • Swamped indeed…just got down from the Himalayas and back to civilization (and internet!)

            If you have some specific questions about female safety then feel free to send me an email via my contact page and I’ll answer them as best I can 🙂

          • Hi Derek4Real, I understood you could help me to get some ideas or any advice to share with me to get a job in the fields. I’m coming from europe and I’m about to go in California. Could you send me an email please, it would be very helpfull I guess. Thank you. ;D

          • Hi Derek4Real,

            Thank you for this informative post! I would like to have the life experience you went through. I am currently in a financial crisis. Could you please email me the contact for this job? Thank you for seeing my post!

            [email protected]

        • Hey derek, haven’t seen any recent posts on here but if it’s still an option I would love the opportunity to do this. My name is Alex Clifton, my email is [email protected]. If the position is available I’ll gladly take it, or do whatever is necessary to get into contact with someone who is doing this.

      • What are the consequences if you do get raided by the police for people coming from Europe to work on the farms? Have you personally heard of any pickers going to prison or anything…?
        Im nervous about what the worst case could be…

        • Hey Sophie. If you are just a simple trimmer then no need to worry. If anyone goes to jail (which is unlikely) it would only be the farm owner, not any of the workers. Even in the worst case situations. All you have to say is “it’s the economy man, I just needed a job to pay the bills — any job” or something like that. You’ll be told to leave, that is all.

          • Hi My girlfriend and I are currently hitch hiking to California from Mexico and we hope to be there the first week in September can you help us out with some specifics … We are both musicians and we want to do this so we can buy equipment for a recording studio.. Thanks for the help and useful information … Jah bless
            My mail
            [email protected]

          • I’m interested in trimming in the fields, the only problem is that i live in texas. I would like to ask some questions by email regarding in working in the fields if that is fine. [email protected]

          • I’m from Texas too…you can reply directly to this email to ask me any questions you want — just please, nothing stereotypical that I have already answered 100+ times in the comment responses above. Thanks!

          • hey im flying from spain. i want to book my flights. but im scared that i wont get a job. so is it best to just book the flight go to the area and ask for work?? if you can email me back with any advice, please do. thank you so much. i love you guys xx

            [email protected]

            jordan x

          • Yeah, unless you’ve already been to northern Cali and have friends there it’s impossible to line up any work prior to arrival. It’s a first-come, first-serve industry and it’s all in who you know. You just have to show up, make friends and establish a rapport, then politely bring up the subject of looking for work. Best of luck, the season will be kicking off very soon!

          • Sorry bro, no longer sending out custom emails to people because only 1 in 100 would reply to say thanks. There is more than enough information in the article and the hundreds of comments here to get you going. If you have any more specific questions not covered in either the article or prior comments, feel free to post them 🙂

          • Hi Derek, I just came up with this blog and I’ve been reading all comments about the trimming thing. I would like to know if I can use some help from you by hooking me up with some job. I’m Mexican,23 years old and I’m currently living in Miami FL.

          • Honestly i would be new at this.. Just need money to be on my own.. I wanna be independent from everybody.. The way you described that road 101 sounded amazing.. And the mountains sound peacefull.. I wanna make that money and maybe move to the coast by the b beach.. Waking up everyday staring out into the ocean.. What a beautiful plant god has gaven us todo as we please with.. I want that life i always dreamed up give me that chance please

          • Hi Derek, My name is Kim. Thank you for your honesty! I need a trimming
            Job ASAP. I’m a single mother of two. Struggling on my own for past 11 years. I deeply appreciate it if u can help. Thank you in advance. Looking forward to hear from you.

      • Hi my name is Dan, I’m heading to the Emerald Triangle in September to try and find some work and would really appreciate any contact info and advice you could give me to help me out. I might not be the most experienced but I am a really fast learner and a very hard worker. Also thanks for writing this article as it is helpful to know what the expectations will be and what the experience will be like. My E-mail is [email protected]. Thank you.

          • Hey I think the article is awesome but I can’t figure out your email?? But I would love to be apart something so amazing and always wanted to travel to Cali..

      • Hey Derek I think I messaged you on LinkedIn but I would love some info on some work as well. Trying to get to the other side of the rainbow here in Kansas!

      • Hello there! I may be a little late to the party but trying never hurt right? My name is Caleb and its my first year out to Humboldt. When I arrived here we had some work lined up and things went well for a few days. However, work ran out fast! And for the last few weeks I’ve been trying to find work by hanging out in the different small towns. I received a few leads but nothing truley came about. So at the moment I’m sitting on the side of the road in Garberville for the 4th day. I’m almost out of funds and a long way form home. Please help! If you happen to still have some contacts or a few other tips I would be greatful. Thanks for the insightful article and good luck!

      • Hey Derek! First of all thank you for the great article it was very informative and insightful. I actually just graduated from college and am interested in work as well. Would you mind shooting me an email regarding growers and farmers i may be able to get in contact with if i were to go in the mountains and where in the mountains exactly i should go? I see its more of a being at the right place at the right time to maximize your luck. Thanks again!le

          • Hi Derek,please you possible help me ??,iam Juan,from Chile,but now i am in Cardiff by the sea,CA,,and i need really work,is possible you help me whit information,etc,i will very gratefull for that.
            Thank very much

      • Hi Derek,

        Thanks for writing this blog. It’s very informative.
        A friend of mine has done this work twice now (two seasons) en says it has been quite the adventure.
        Both ups and downs, with raids and a few people ending up injured or dead.
        So I’m quite sure it’s not always sunshine and rainbows.
        Nevertheless I would like to go, so I’m grateful for your information.

        I think I can go through my friends contacts but I do have a few quistions..
        This may seem kind of silly but as you say it’s such a tedious job, I was thinking I could listen to music while I’m at it.
        (Or even a read out loud book) But can I recharge my mp3 there? 🙂
        Second; I’m a girl. Would you say it’s too dangerous? Would you let your little sister do it? (if you have one)
        Do you have any advice? Except for the advice in red in the article..
        Is it a mainly men up in the mountains or are there also girls working on the fields?

        Thank you so much for replaying. I don’t think my questions where asked before, (I read through the comments) but if they were and I missed them, I m sorry..

        • I’ve worked there three years now and have never heard of anyone being seriously injured — let alone dying — during raids. That to me is crazy talk. Plus usually anytime the helicopters approach the farm owners send the innocent trimmers packing, at least at the places I have worked.

          I’m happy to answer your questions. Of course, lots of people listen to music while working. There will always be electrical outlets nearby, most often in the same room you will be working in. After all you need a well-lit working area to properly trim, and lights require electricity, so voila! 😉

          It is safe for women, even solo females, just be wary of any places that hire females only, as I mentioned in the article. Those are the horny ol’ men to watch out for. Otherwise you should be perfectly safe. I’ve worked with guys and girls, hippies and backpackers, out-of-towners and foreigners, experts and newbies, people from all walks of life. They are almost always great people, although every once in a while you may come across a dick.

          As far as field work though, that is almost entirely done by males. Any females that I have met up there are usually part of the family (e.g. married to the owner or a sister, etc).

          Let me know if you have any further questions Lyssa — and if not, best of luck out there this year! 😀

          • thanks for this awesome story Derek! it opened my memories of my travels as i see myself once again taking my journey out west. this time with new friends hoping with word of work in the mountain. thanks for all your replies to all that missed theirs .

        • Can you email me detail [email protected] on where and when the grows are ….Im from the south and always wanted to back pack to the mountains for a little adventure when do the grows start in ’14. Could you be as specific as you can

          Thanks a bunch

        • Hello.i m french from reunion island and i would come in California in september to work on farm and get money to visit USA and meet glass artist..if somebody want to join me and speak about that..send me a mail..see you

          • Hello my friend mr Olivier Bennasar!!!
            how you doing man??
            I am also thinking to go there on september and try my luck…currently i’m in dominican republic and broke….so i was thinking to invest my last money on a ticket to frisco and from there start heading north and see what will hapen…if you have any contact for there it would help a lot
            anyway…when you see this man, plz reply [[email protected]]

        • Looking for work trimming. Really need the funds.
          Is there any work for 2017 can you please send me some contacts. Thanks in advance!

      • Hi, Derek. This seems like the sort of “gig” I’d like to try towards the end of the year. I was wondering if there’s any sort of message board or other means to get in contact with someone who could help me find work in a garden. Feel free to e-mail me at: [email protected]

        • No, most definitely not. Look at the battle being fought between California citizens and the USA government. Nobody in “the business” does anything online that would indicate their work, let alone promote it. Top it off with the now-public NSA spy programs and you can guarantee that. It’s a very face-to-face industry.

          • Hey I’m interested in finding a place to work if you could email me good places to post up and look for jobs like what towns that’s would be extremely helpful if anyone could help out [email protected]

      • Hi brother I would be very interested in learning more about you experiences and how to become apart of it all. Most websites only talk about the growing and don’t offer places to actually go and experience it for yourself.

      • Hi Derek,

        I just read your article after watching a show on the Travel Channel about trimming jobs in California. My boyfriend and I are medicinal enthusiast and would love to work this summer trimming someones harvest, the only problem is that we live in the Southeast (Georgia). I know Cali and Col are the obvious places to look into but is there anything closer to my neck of the woods? and if so how would we go about searching for employment outside of just using Craigslist?

        Thank You,

        Jasmine B.

        • Hey Jasmine,
          I don’t know if there would even be any legit trimming jobs posted on CL now that the site is so heavily monitored by law enforcement thanks to its reputation for prostitution and other less than legal activities… Anyway from my ummm shall we just say extensive experience in the industry I am not aware of any large scale operations that are open to the public outside of California and Colorado. Don’t get me wrong, there are always small indoor harvests going on in every one of the 50 states…but that work is sporadic, short-term, and only for those “in the know.” If you do manage to locate something though than I would love for you to let me know…best of luck from Vietnam!

      • Hey derek my name is ignacio I just recently got out of the marines and im looking to gain knowledge on the ins and outs of growing my own weed. I want to spend a season from start to finish growing weed. My main goal is knowledge here. I am willing to leave whenever I just need a destination and a contact. I have the desire and im no stranger to hard work. If you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. [email protected]

        Sincerelly, Iggy

      • Hi Derek

        I’m Chris, an Italian boy 31-year-old.
        Not for long I have lost the job because of this crisis, but now I want to realize my dream, that it is that to work in a Pot farm.
        I wanted to ask to you kindly if you can give some council to me on this, and on that type of approval I need in order to make this type of job.

        Graces a lot

      • i would love to get this job for the summer. me and my buddy are looking for something different and we have damn good work ethic and would tend all damn day and night.
        Is there anyone i can get in contact with to talk to about getting a job up there with me and my buddy?


      • Hey there Derek,

        My names Zach, Iam from Downunder Australia but am fortunate enough to also have dual citizenship for the states. Iam 19 and decided that I didn’t want to live the normal life of work, eat, sleep, repeat. So quit my job, left my place and family over there, bought a one way ticket and came here to meet my extended family, skate, surf, meet new & awesome people and go on an adventure.

        Would be privileged to talk with you sometime man, exchange stories and maybe get some advice on the best way to have an experience like yours “up in the mountains”. But if not be cool chat sometime anyway . Have a good one

        • Hey Zach, sorry for my late response. I completely agree with you, living a “normal” life is so boring. Not for me either. The best way to reach me is through Twitter @the_HoliDaze. I’m always up for a chat and have a few tips on how to find “work” in Cali. Of course most of which have already been covered in the hundreds of comments on this article, so not sure how much fresh insight I still have left.

      • Hello, having almost finished my studies in tourism, I must be able to speak almost fluently English. That is why I would like to know how to find a job in these cannabis farms for two people? Do you have to give me address? Thank you in advance. Emilie

      • Hi thank you for sharing the story. Me and my boyfriend would love to head over and do a season trimming. It sounds like a good experience.

        Would you by any chance have a contact?



        [email protected]

      • Hello Derek,

        I’m an Industrial Foreman for a company in Colorado. I really dislike my job because all it is 16 hours filled with stress that’s packed with stress and then topped with stress everyday. All I want is a job in this industry but every time I’ve tried to get in on it on some level it ends up falling through. I would love to trim in California. Any suggestions?

        • Ugghhh, that sounds like a lot of stress indeed. Been there, done that, and after five years it burnt me out. I couldn’t take those 16 hour days and 80-100 work weeks, regardless of the pay.

          My best suggestion is to head there in September, that is when the harvest season kicks off. Settle down for a week or two in Humboldt or Mendocino and make some friends with the locals. They are the gatekeepers of the mountain and in charge of finding trimmers each year. Once you have a few new friends you can casually bring up the subject of looking for work and see if they can be of any assistance. Even if they cannot personally, they almost always can put you in touch with the right person.

          It northern Cali it’s all about having someone to be your “in,” someone to vouch for you. Those people who stand on the sides of the street with “will work for weed” signs rarely find what they are searching for.

          • Hello Derek I am new to Eureka and in looking for some work. I have been searching and searching for the avenues in becoming a trimmer. Can you please email me… [email protected]
            Look forward to speaking with you soon.

      • Hey Derek!

        Great article! Exactly what I was looking for, informative and well written 🙂
        I’m curious as well about getting some work for this coming fall (sept, maybe even aug If possible!) Would you be able to send some advice my way? Connections? Anything? I’d be so greatful for some wisdom! My email is [email protected]

        Thank you!!

      • Sup man i need your help just getting my hands on some good stuff out there come harvest time im from new jersey you seem like the guy i need to know!!! Loved the article by the way contact me soon if possible my whatsapp is 2019666648 thnx n god bless!!

      • Hey ! just came across this article =]
        was wondering if trimmers are needed for this season ?
        will be in California next month would love some help contacting the farm owner

      • I’m very interested in some work. The trimming season is right around the corner. I am a very efficient worker and very willing to make some cash. Although I have no way of knowing how I could get involved. I am from Louisiana. If anyone can help me get into the mountains I am willing to make the travel to work till December. If someone can contact me through email, that would be amazing

      • How do you go about finding a connect willing to sell you a pound or more? I want to make the trip but i want it to be worth while and not have to go through a club that goes by the book. If you can email me some info Id appreciate it and gladly talk to you in more detail (numbers). Thanks man, and awesome article too, great read!

        [email protected]

      • Hey Derek. Dakota here. I live in michigan and am going through a rough patch. I’d like to be able to talk to you some more about this field of work. If you could find the time to get ahold of me, I’d really appreciate it. Have a wonderful night/morning sir.

      • Hello Derek!!

        How are you???I am not sure if you still active in this web!! but I am interested in getting to the green fields to w!in the next three weeks!
        can I have any tips, please???I am interesting in a contact!! Thinking about it for week and yes the road is calling me again!
        I would really appreciate if you can offer me some information of how to get a contact over in California! Thank you so much!!! Love and peace.
        [email protected]

      • i was wondering how i could go about getting a job trimming? how would i get a job without knowing who to contact about that.. im a 15 year glass blower and im tiered of the glass side of my work.. can anny1 help?

      • hi derek,really interesting article.I am pablo,from Rosario,Argentina.
        Do you think i could apply for one of this job this year??
        thanks my friend

        • Hey Michelle, thanks for your comment. Unfortunately because only about one out of a hundred people would respond to my personal emails with thanks, I have stopped sending them. However most everything you want to know can be found in the prior comments. Of course if you have any additional specific questions than feel free to comment again and I will happily answer them.

          Wishing y’all all the best in Cali this season, good luck!

        • hi my name is kimmie smith i would like to connect with someone who can guide me in the direction of person who can talk to about getting a clipping job. i trim a lb in an hour at a time. pls contact me at my gmail address. thank you

      • Cheers man good comments to everyone.Its funny people want the easy in on trimming.When you can go to any mountain town, and find a grower to bs.Ive been able to trim all over just talking to growers . Australia had some cool genetics. Canada had it everywhere, but didn’t pay the best.Anyways seen your deal and thought it was cool . cheers. .

        • Hey Roni, all the advice you need is covered in the article and the comments. I get far too many general email about this post that don’t ask any specific questions, so unfortunately I am no longer able to respond to everyone. But if you do have any really specific questions, just post ’em here and I’ll answer them.

      • Hi Dereck

        My name is Pablo, Im from Spain, and Im so interested in going to California and work like this but.. I dont know anybody there, could you please give a hand about how to do it, I would really apreciate it. Thanx so much!! 🙂

        [email protected]

      • hi derek my name is sergio,im from mexico i have some of my friends they had did trimming ,and im really interesting if you can help me i really apreciate only thing i can ofer you is making a design of something you like im a designer just to thank you well enjoy your trip best regards

      • Aloha Derek! You posted this in 2012 but its worth a try. I’m an easy going local boy from Hawaii whos ready to get off the rock and try something new. I’m all about the adventure s in life and this sounds like an awesome one! Im a hard worker and dont need much to survive. If possible, please email me with some options! I’ve never spent a lot of time in California and am COMPLETELY FRESH, A solid starting point is all i need. Much thanks!
        [email protected]

        • Love Hawaii 🙂 I’m about out of fresh options/ideas though, I’ve covered all the key stuff in the article and my hundreds of comment responses. If you have any specific questions feel free to let me know, but I’m done emailing tips to people — few ever thanked me and I don’t have the time to handle the dozens of emails I get every week from this article.

      • Hi I just saw your article and I’m really interested in work. I don’t know if you can help me out but I’m going to be traveling from the Midwest and will have no connection,with anyone out west and I’m really looking forward to harvest time. I’ll be traveling in November can u please help me out? My email is [email protected]

        • Hi,Derek!
          I’m wondering if you have any info about seed harvesting,I’ve been growing for years and have been making feminized/regular seeds the past few seasons with a variety of strains.I do the all indoors of course,but having all my own smoke has really limited the amount of people I’m in contact with and honestly I want people to grow my seed! I started with nothing but high quality seedbank genetics a have produced all my seed from that,THE BEST. I know the outdoor growers love starting from seed because they are more vigorous and healthy. How do I get them in to the hands of the growers and get compensation for my efforts? Any info would really help,
          The agoraphobic seed guy needs help:)

          • Hey Eric, the best way would probably to get “your in” during trim season and do a little hands-on work on the farms. That will put you in close proximity to the people that you need to talk with. Then all you need is a spare minute to catch them and bring up the topic in regards to next spring.

            Best of luck up there!

          • Thanks for the reply,not sure what you meant by the”your in” but I’m doing harvest and trim work this year in Colorado but I do thank you for taking the time to reply,I see you’ve had this thread going awhile and probably have a hard time getting time to write replies so I won’t take up anymore.thanks again

          • Sorry, I meant “your in” as in like “your ticket in” or “your way in” … the only ones who can help you with your specific request are the people in charge, up in the mountains. Plus by the end of season they are all so tired from being stuck up there for the last several months working seven days a week that many are eager to bring in outside help for the next season.

      • hey im thinking about going to California the middle of July, im traveling central America and have run out of money… I wanted to try and get a job in trimming before I booked my flights so I defiantly had work when I got there. If you could help me that would be fab!! thanks Francesca 🙂

      • Hi Derek!
        Did you work in a pot farm? Do you still have any contact to get a job there? I,m interested to job there and I’ve heard that september,october and november are the best months to work…Could you sen me a e-mail with information?
        [email protected]

      • Hello, I am Javier from Spain living in Mexico, I would like to work in the marijuana farms for 2 months starting in october, I hear about this jobs but I heard that is not so easy anymore to get one and I do not wanna go there just to see what happens. Can you help me out with some contacts.
        Thanks man.
        [email protected]

      • Hi Derek!
        I’m Paolo and I’m Italian. Next month I will be in north Cali for my second time, and honestly I would like to earn some money, cause this time I wanna travel all around Cali.
        I read about your article, and I would like to know how can I do to go ”up in the mountains”. What’s the best way to take part at the trimming?
        THanks, cause for me it will be a dream and I think it’s the perfect job for me!

      • Hey I been trying to find out how do I get information, am so interesting, am tired of the broke life I wanna make money , can u reply back for more info plzz thank you

      • Me and my girl are headed up there this season. We are so excited for a new experience. If you could hook it up with a contact or two it would be such a blesding. Thank you for the post. Very informative and we’ll play my friend.

      • Im not from around here I just moved out here from Wisconsin im a 30 year old native american woman looking to make a pay check I need the extra cash I live outta my car nd looking to be put to wor ASAP my email address is [email protected]

      • Hi Derek, I’m here in CA looking to do the same thing. I’m going to leave the safety of my friends place to head for Humboldt I think. I’m afraid because I don’t have any contacts, it could go wrong. I would be most grateful if you could advise me and help with good people as contacts. Thank you brother, peace

      • Hi Derek.,

        Its really great of you to share your experience with us, especially because teres not much other info on this online. I would really appreciate it if you could drop me an email as well. Many thanks!!! Best of luck

      • Hello, im looking for a job as the one described! my email is [email protected] if somebody has any advice or offers I’ll be very thankful. Just finish my studies in Oaksterdam university I’m very knowledgeable in the whole cultivation process.

      • Hey !, love the article and some of the posts. I thought it was funny how many requests for contacts you got after expressly asking not too! I wanted your opinion about the overall market there for a person like myself ,who would offer technical and logistic services for mainly the growers. I know most are pretty handy getting their setup up and running on their own, but for more complicated stuff, from installing solar panel arrays and integrating them to a home or other structure to plumbing issues or water handling problems. Also real security, like fabricating steel doors, frames etc…. I was a power plant mechanic for over 20 years and can handle nearly anything they may want or need. What do you think? Could it be worth my efforts to bring my service truck or van out there, rent a place for a while , advertise locally and get my name out there and what I can do for them. Do you think ,from your experience, there would be a demand for me?

        • I’m sure your skills would be useful out there Tom. However as I only handling the trimming aspect, not the growing aspect, I’m not sure how tough the competition is in the technical departments. No idea if they are in high demand or a dime a dozen. Best way to answer that question is to go for it. And be sure to time your trip to an active season, you know, don’t show up in December or January because no one will be around 😉

      • Hey Derek- I am really interested in work this coming season, any information on how to connect with these people would be awesome! My email address is [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you !

      • Hi derek , i see that this article has been a long time ago… im desperatly looking for a job and that sounds like a goog opportunity… could you or maybe someone here can connect me to a work of that kind ?

        • I would love to get in contact with some growers or agents for upcoming jobs. I’ve got a couple years experience and between my girlfriend and I we can trimm throu about 2 lb a day. Please contact me if you or anyone you know has work, [email protected]


        • hey man I have been reading up on trimming and everything. I was wondering if you email me sometime here with some contact info for places I can get a job at

        • great info! im live in north carolina and have been growing a few years myself. I would LOVE a chance to come out west and help the masters! Not only for the money, but for knowledge of our fav. plant. Contact me back if someone could use me this fall, and i may not come back! THANKYOU !!!!

        • Hello Derek. How are you ?
          This is my 3th year i do a rock and roll summer tour in Europe. I’m still looking for a job in Oktober November. Any idea ? 🙂


        • Hey Derek, I’m looking to work in the gardens this summer. It’d be just me unless I can convince someone to come with me. I hear it pays well and I really want to take a productive cross-country road trip this summer, plus I’ve always wanted to go to Cali. I would really appreciate it if you could get me in contact with an employer or somewhat closer to having a garden job this summer. Here is my email [email protected]. THANKS!

        • Hey Derek,
          I would love to be a trimmer but I’m afraid my past might keep me from it. I live over in Pennsylvania and I was arrested for selling pot when I was 20 years old. That was over 10 years ago. I haven’t had any serious convictions since then. I’m a college grad and just a overall good guy that needs to make money. I know working in Colorado is out of the question but would i be able to work in California? If you can send me info to my email [email protected] I would really appreciate it. thanks man!

        • Dear Derek. Sorry to hear that you are not given any cudos. Not from me. You are the first and only person that I will ever trust with info from the triangle. Millions of thanks from me. I am a 53 year old retiree transplanted here in so cal from Texas. I was blown away when I saw my first collective in Napa. On my bucket list is a desire to work the harvest as a trimmer in the triangle. Now that it is getting closer I am getting a real anxious feeling that I might miss it again this year. No telling how many years I have left. Anyway. I am not experienced, but I have an excellent work ethic and am very dependable, punctual, and extremely hard working. I also have my own wheels which may or may not be advantageous. I am basically on my knees begging for any help that you might be able to give to crack the code in my desire to fulfill my bucket list. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read this. Spiros

        • I know this is from 2013 but gotta give it a shot. My name’s Samantha and am looking for trimming work. I may be a girl but I’m tough and a fast learner. If you need help in your grow or have anyone in need I am here to help! My email is [email protected]. This was a great read thank you.

    • Hi volk! I appreciate your description, and I was travelling with my closed eyes. I’m italian and me with my friend we’d like to come in California to get a job and a nice experience. Some friend of me they also get in one of these mountain and got a job… but I don’t find them anymore… so it will be great to have more details. What about me… well I never been in America, it will be my first time, I’ve been visiting Morocco and Holland, Europe and… at the moment I have no money to travel so far… so we need a good feedback. Thanks a lot. all the joy and the best.

    • Derek, please hook me up with any info tht would be useful for me trying to get a job on the mountains. I am coming from Alabama with nothing. I would rather take little $ and more buds for payment. thank you

    • I’m sure you’ve been flooded with requests for more info, and though it’s cliche I’m going to ask if you have any contacts you could pass on. I’ve worked a bit in Colorado doing the same, but since I’m a chef I soon was asked to cook as well as trim on a huge farm where many mouths needed a good feed. If it’s of help, just let your friends know I have both skill sets.

      • Flooded is an understatement…really wish some of my other articles would get this much attention and this many comments hehehe. I’m afraid I won’t be headed back to Cali this harvest season as I’m currently in Asia but you do have a unique skill-set that you bring to the table. Let’s see how things look next year, if you’re still interested…

        BTW I’ve spent lots of time out in Colorado, checking out the scene there. What part do you live/work in?

        • The farms Nederland, outside of Boulder was where I spent my time. With the fact that its been legalized for recreational use it seems to be a lower paying market this year, but it’s still a good paycheck.

        • Sawadee Derek,

          I see you are in Asia as well haha. I am finishing up my awful teaching agency contract in Southern Thailand and headed back home in March. I have heard stories from friends over here about the jobs in the Emerald triangle and I would totally be down for some more “wander funds”. Seems like a nice harmless and natural job and tent living is my style. Please pass on any advice you can. And if you are around S Thailand hit me up for a visit.

        • Hi Derek….

          I have just found this page by chance…. I am in London as I am looking into coming to America to study the growing aspect etc…

          I just wish to congratulate you on all your advise and knowledge that you are giving endlessly !

          It’s people like you,that makes up for the many who don’t give freely to humanity. It’s again people like you, that gives faith and belief that there really are still some good people out there in this cruel wide world ! at times you give up hope that there are any good people left that are willing to help others freely. So when you come across a person like yourself, it is only just that one should be congratulated and thanked for giving,caring and sharing.

          So well done my sweet…. Thank you for putting a smile,giving hope,and caring for so many!

          With love from us in London!


          • Thanks for the kind words Tooky, I appreciate it. Three years later and I am still responding to emails and comments on a nearly daily basis…gets tiring. Glad someone appreciates it enough to say thanks. Take care and best of luck with your growing experience…it is amazing fun! 😉

          • Is it usual for farms to hire people specifically to cook for the trimmers? I would happily do some trimming too but Id imagine it would make economic sense to cook in bulk so trimmers can focus.

          • It makes sense but unfortunately it doesn’t always work like that. The landowners are busy and everyone is operating on a different schedule. Trimmers wake up, work and eat at sporadic times. Sometimes trimmers cook together in small groups, or (more likely) rotate who does the cooking for the group that meal, but not always — and often even if this happens, only a portion of the trimmers participate. There are always those work-oriented loners who will trim their fingers to the bone, stop for five minutes to eat a ramen, and then trim again for hours on end.

            These farms, even the ones with 50,000 plants, usually never have more than a dozen or two trimmers working at a time. Security is a concern, plus as the crop can only be picked and dried so fast, it only needs to be trimmed so fast. There aren’t any massive operations employing 50 or 100 trimmers that would be able to justify hiring a cook. (At least not that I’ve seen in all my years.) And while you can get hired as a trimmer and cook for everyone just because you like to do it, all this will do is make your bag lighter and thus your paycheck lighter. No one is going to compensate you for feeding employees who would otherwise have had to pause their own work to feed themselves. Make sense?

          • Thanks for all the useful info so far.
            As it will take a bit of time to find work and, just to be cynical, there is some risk of not finding any I need to investigate things like where to camp or other places I could stay while looking for work. What is like likely minimum budget for the bare essentials when not working? Are there any good places to camp cheaply (ideally freely)?

          • Someone else asked about free camping and I’m not certain off-hand, but I would assume there is some nearby….maybe the almighty G can help answer that question?

            Minimum budget varies by city. For example, Eureka and Fortuna have McDonald’s, so hypothetically you could survive on a couple bucks a day — although your health would suffer as a result. But Arcata is a small town with independent delis and diners, no chains, and given the fact that a $100 bill is referred to as a “Humboldt twenty” you can expect to spend much much more a day on food there.

    • Hola from Guatemala, Derek!
      Thank you for a detailed, thoughtful account for all of our curious eyes and minds! My partner and I are looking to head back to the States for trimming season. We have a few friends in the Bay Area, but we would love some advice on finding work…especially since we are flying back early in hopes to find some more travel money 🙂

      I’d love any little tidbits you have to share, and to know where you are in Asia…that might be our next stop!

      Best, and gracias,
      Maria and Michael
      [email protected]

    • Hi, your article its so useful for me. I come from Puerto Rico but right now im in oaxaca where ihave been helping some friends with their honeybees, but im going next week to Eureka to see if i can find a job in harvest season. Im traveling all alone just with some tales of friends who had worked last year and with the info from this article. If you have more information or you are around right now in California let me know. Thanks a lot!!

        • Hi, the thing you said are helpful. Im a musician looking to work on the fields. What other advice can you give me to survive and get the job?

          • Make friends with locals. They are your way in. Just don’t let the first thing you ask to be about work up on the mountain — ease your way in gradually. They play it cool so you have to as well.

        • Hello!!
          Im looking for the option to delete my comment on this article, and there’s no way… it’s possible for you to do it. Thanks you so much and hope you are continuing your adventures!! many blessings!!! ** the comment is in top of this one under the name Paola. Thanks again!

        • Hey Derek. Thank you for your amazing article. my partner and I are looking for a trimming job in California as close to mt. Shasta as possible for the season. we want to be able to be near this energy center. we are traveling from new York and wanted to know if you can get us in contact with a connect before we travel to California and if it is easier to bring your own supplies and tent. what will get us the easiest way to become a trimmer. my email is [email protected]

          • No offense but if the 2,000 words of this article and my hundreds of prior comment responses cannot show you the “easiest way to become a trimmer” then there really is no more advice I can offer you…..except to maybe re-read everything, because you clearly missed the part about I WILL NOT GIVE MY CONTACTS OUT TO STRANGERS.

    • Hey Derek I’m on my way to Eureka for another job but any tips I could get on getting into trimming would be great. I’m taking a friend with me and he needs a trimming job. He’s experienced ,that was one of his job back home. We’ve never been to Cali and have no idea how to get started at the farms . Michelle [email protected]

    • Hi Derek what a great article. I spent four months last year up north and loved ever bit of. I was wondering if you knew where to locate some jobs for this fall. Please email me if you know of any work available. Thanks

    • I would like to visit USA from Lithuania and this kind of job would help me on the travel. Would that be possible to get more information on trimming work ? I have experience too 🙂

    • Hello Derek I ´am also interested about this job for next season, I trimmed lots of times here in Argentina and it would be nice to have a new experience at California. Please send me some information if you are still in contact with this article. [email protected]
      .Thanks a lot, it´s a nice text.

    • Hi Derek!!

      I’m from Playa del Carmen, Mexico, and I’m really interested in this job opportunity. Do not know how to get in touch with the producers, but this season I want to work there. I would like to earn some quick cash to build my tree house in the jungle and start a business there aquaponics project. I hope you can help me with some information.

      Best regards from the caribbean.

      • Hey Kelsy…harvest season doesn’t start until September so I wouldn’t recommend heading out there early as there will not be any work available. Humboldt University is the big one out there and I knew a lot of people that went to school during the week and worked in the mountains every weekend. Best of luck with everything out there — if you find success then please stop by again and leave a follow-up question. Or you can also do that if you have any more specific questions once there 🙂

        • Hi Derek

          I’m 53 years old and low on funds , but I have friends in California and Oregon I know a lot about pot, but never had experience in growing, other than my own, and have no experience in harvesting, I willing to do any thing to get my foot in the door. I’m willing to drive up there in Sep. What is the best county in the triangle to find work. If there is any more advice you could give to find work when I get there or the easiest way to get in contact with someone that needs help. Any help would be appreciated. If you can’t help, thank you for your time any way


          • Hey Michael,

            I always had the best luck in Humboldt so now that is my “go-to” county…but a few of my friends have had better luck in Mendo. Regardless of where you go though, make friends first. The locals can easily put you in touch with the right people, but they might not do it for any random guy off the streets. So make a few new acquaintances, be friendly, be jolly, be honest…and then inquire about work 😉

            Best of luck out there!

      • By the way I have tons of experience trimming in the mountains of big island Hawaii! Would love to have this experience again but go full force. I would love an email or a way to contact you back????????????????????????

    • Hey Derek thanks for the info, just wondering if you can shed a litle more light on the seasons? we have heard there is a summer season in july and august. do you know if there is much work around at that time? im currently travelling with my girlfriend in mexico and would like to head north to check out california but need to make money to sustain our travels, were from the uk and spain. any advice for making the job search a little easier would be greatly appreciately. hope this finds you well.

      • No, there isn’t much work in July and August as that is still the growing season. Wait until September, that is when the harvest season starts. Just go there and make friends with the locals, don’t stand on the side of the street with a “will work for weed” sign because those people rarely find what they are searching for. Then after you have a few local friends casually bring up the conversation of work. They are the gatekeepers of the mountains.

    • Hey derek, how are you doing bro? I have been thinking about taking a road trip back to cally, I moved there in 1999 looking for work in the entertainment world it took 3 years to get in but I did!! I got hooked up with Kandoo films in Sherman oaks, I worked with them in big productions, before I got a break as an actor on a soap all my children in N.Y.C so I moved there I worked for 4 years then the show was cut, so now I my back in Orlando fl and the jobs suck here and I am bored as hell, I want to get into trimming for the fast cash, I am a hard worker and I will stick with it to the end!! I really need to change my life, please help me get into the weed biz. thank you for your time Derek and take care my friend. Truly Chad.

    • Hey Derek ! Congratulation’s for your effort and work to keep all this up and running ! 🙂

      I am from Brazil and I am very interested in this opportunity…traveling, making some cash and enjoy life ..

      Could i get your contact so we could have a lil chat ?
      I have written the towns and ways to find a “job” up there, however i still have some specific doubts..perhaps you could help me understand better…

      Like, when you first started, you really tried to become friends with local people…and only after a couple days ask for that subject…or right after getting to know them you already started the questioning about such jobs?

      Please, email me if you can, it will be a pleasure to talk with you ! [email protected]

      • I always waited a couple days before asking, but I did once or twice the first night I made friends — depending on how many beers we had knocked back and the general mood 😉

    • Hi, I’m very interested in working as a trimmer. I’ll be heading to Mt. Shasta very soon and I hope to stay up north for a while. If you have any advice on how I can get hired for this type of work it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, very well written by the way Derek.

    • I’m a honest hardworking American living in Guatemala in need of cash to raise my family. I speak Spanish as secondary language.. I can give you three months a year.

    • Hey men,

      Could you hook me up with some contacts? I am planning to go this september. Cant seem to find any contacts yet.

      Thanks in advance.

      If you ever are planning to come to Europe (again), pass by on the remote Spanish area of the Canarian islands and I hope I can help you out.
      Its beautifull and the goodlife here.


    • hola Derek! me llamo Markel y me interesa informacion al respecto. Quiero probar suerte a ver si encuentro alguna opcion de recolectar… pero no se ni cuando ni donde ni como…. puedes darme algo mas de info al respecto por favor? gracias por adelantado! una pagina genial y exitosa, felicidades!

      [email protected]

    • For current legal cannabis jobs, search Humboldt Craigslist. There are two cannabis staffing companies in Eureka: Emerald Staffing and Dark Staffing. As of October 1, 2018 there are tons of temp jobs available now! They are legit and require no experience but need valid ID and authorization to work in the US. However, you usually need a car and may have to camp out on work site. Good Luck to all!! $$$$420$$$$
      Good Luck

    • Happy to help shed some light on unique cultures, glad you enjoyed it — I’m sure some people in California are upset I wrote about it in so much detail. Whoops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Thanks for the comment. I always find it interesting to see things from both perspectives — and this was definitely one travel experience unlike any other, both mentally, physically, and emotionally..

      • I have always dreamed to come to norther Cali and be a trimmer since I met a hippie in teaxes on one of my many travels and told me to go to humble county and sit out side a gas station with a sign saying need work and I would eventually get picked up for work I still haven’t made it to vali but its my dream I’m currently in montan awaiting winter to pass so I can get on the move again to my final destination northern California hopefully to meet cool peeps and settle downb if anyone could help with this pls don’t be afraid to contact me like I said its been my dream

  1. Interesting article. I love in your bio that you love visiting places you have to communicate solely through hand gestures. That will be my new goal too! Great post and blog!

    • Thanks for the kind words Katie. But truthfully my blog is pretty weak, almost laughable — it’s where I do my real travel writing, along with a collection of other bloggers. However your blog is pretty damn cool. Maybe we’ll cross paths one of these days…best wishes! 🙂

    • It’s fun stuff, to say the least — the paycheck just makes it even better! I’m out here right now, just finished a 2wk stint up the the mtns about 48 hours ago and am back in Arcata now 😉

  2. I live in a non legal part of the states north carolina. And love growing m-j and if one deserves it’s me.It would be a dream come true and i am good at what i do and very trust worthy. peace time to hiy some NYC DIESEL!!!!

    • Depends on when you will be leaving Cali. Trim work for the general public is from late September to December. The rest of the year it is pretty much limited to the locals, as only indoor grows are yielding (in other words, there just isn’t the massive surplus of nugs like there is in the fall). If you will be in Cali around that time though, Arcata and Eureka are two of my favorite places to find work 😉

  3. Yo, Derek. I’m currently “existing” in louisville ky. Working as a farm hand/trimmer in norcal sounds exactly like the therapeutic lifestyle that I desperately need. This is a serious post dude. Any chance you could get back at me with a follow up post on here, or maybe shoot me am email to discuss it a little further? Much appreciated brother. Be good.

    • I feel ya on the “existing” state…never fun. Well, first off they are going to ask me if you have any trimming experience. So, do you? Secondly, it is only during the autumn that outsiders are usually allowed in, when the sheer surplus of seasonal harvests requires an influx of new slave labor. So you’d have to “exist” for another six months first…

      • No real trimming experience..but how hard could it be with a laid back attitude and good work ethic? I guess I just want to know how to go about getting into that sort of lifestyle. It’s what I need to do man

  4. first time i “hear” so many informations about this job, thank you! I am thinking of going this year for work there, but i have no connection.. you think i will do it? I will go to your special places that you said.. thanks!

    • Nope, not drive around, just post up on a street corner with a sign a la a homeless person. Some people write stuff like “will work for bud” while other simply draw scissors. But of course knowing someone to call does make the process a lot easier. But once you get your foot in the door you’re golden…just don’t f it up as they say, or you’ll end up back on the outside.

  5. Hey derek donde puedo escribir un email para trabajar cosechando marihuana en esta temporada? gracias por tu informacion

    • Lo siento Ronaldinho, no puedo ayudarte. Mis amigos en California ni siquiera saben que escribi sobre mis experiencias. Si lo hicieran, yo nunca se le permitiria volver. Mis disculpas de nuevo pero gracias por tu comentario.

  6. ive waited my whole life growing up for this to happen , for this country to kill of the old fkn stupid people that have no clue bout the weed that turns to a flower in our brains ,,but the things this plant can do is finally being realized n thats the best part ,, im 50 yo now n to all you young ones ,,,do it for the good of the disabled n the kids that need a drug to help them grow n to be healthy ,its not all bout getting high ,, its bout what this miracle plant can do to help us all ,,soon this country will look back just like they did w the way the idiots of this world looks back at alcohol ,,but the two are not the same ,, alcohol is a beast that kills n destroys lives , ive been smoking since i was a teen n ive never woken up n didnt remember last nite or have anyone killed after i smoked it n drove home ,,but alcohol does ,, the stigma will soon be over n this country n world will benefit from it ,, for all of yous that need a job start up your own grow n learn how to produce the best buds out ther ,, it takes alot of committment but time after time you will learn more n more ,,n then youll be set for the rest of your lives cuz this is the next business to be in ,, if this govt will just fkn wake up n let it happen ,, God Speed to it

    • I totally agree man!! Marijuana is harmless once people get over their fear/taboo and actually look at the facts. It all started as a smear campaign against minorities (specifically Hispanics and Jazz musicians during the 1920’s and early 30’s) and that led it to first being made illegal 1937 despite the AMA arguing against the bill, calling cannabis a God-given plant that can be found in vacant lots and along railroad tracks. But William Randolph Hearst was the big newspaper mogul at the time, and he also had many investments in the logging industry. Given that hemp can be made into paper easier, cheaper, and MUCH greener than traditional logging, it’s no wonder the greedy bastard is now looked back upon in history as the one who first started the yellow journalism campaign against “marijuana,” a word that he coined to replace the commonly known term “cannabis” (which was another tactic at generating fear, in this case fear of the unknown). All to protect his wealth and investments. And that is the only reason it’s still illegal today on a federal level.

      Although the war on drugs is failing, enough people are profiting from it. On the legal side you have increased police forces and ever-expanding budgets, plus all the indirect industries associated to this. Nowadays there are privately owned prisons and even prison lobbyists fighting to increase marijuana penalties, all in order to keep the jails full and yes, justify new ones as well. It’s no wonder that “prison towns” have now sprung up, where everyone in that li’l podunk country town in some way, shape, or form works for the jail.

      On the quasi-illegal side you have the growers and cannabis boutiques in legalized states that are genuinely trying to help people with physical issues live a better life. There are too many positive stories to cite. Medicinal marijuana is REAL and it is effective. That is exactly why the pharmaceutical industry is scared and donating heavily towards keeping marijuana illegal. They want to protect their multibillion dollar drug lines and keep their ludicrously high profits a flowin’

      Then on the totally illegal side you have transporters, middlemen, and sellers all profiting from it. A fresh pound of perfection in northern Cali can go for $1,500 if it’s in season. However as that’s worth $4k in Texas, $5k in Florida, and $6-7k in NYC, well it’s no wonder the “flow” will never stop. But these transporters and suppliers are not the problem. If it was legal on a federal level they would all be out of a job that very day. Just like how the end of prohibition pretty much killed bootlegging, at least all except a few scattered moonshiners just “preserving what my pappy taught me.”

      And like you said, alcohol is pretty harmful, so is tobacco — both much more so than cannabis. Not only does alcohol come with many health issues but obviously also the more publicized issue of drunken driving, its’ victims and its’ repercussions. And tobacco, well we didn’t even have to discuss that one. Yet because both are such cashflows for the US government via taxation and regulation they are still legal. And damnit marijuana should be too, especially because it has no health issues at all (aside from the smoking aspect, which does not cause cancer like tobacco).

      Nowadays it might just be the government being so desperate for money that finally tips the scales and leads towards federal legalization and taxation. I will gladly pay a slight weed tax to not have to worry about being busted for smoking a joint. Plus we can empty out our prisons and fill them with people that deserve to be there, like rapists, murderers, and pedophiles, not some stoner who got busted with a personal supply — or worse someone with legitimate medical justification.

      Anyway, sorry for rambling on brother but I can totally relate! Thanks for stopping by and commenting, take it easy 🙂

  7. Hi Derek.
    4 reall?
    Im a student from Israel and just about to get 3+ month vication (7-10.13).
    and realy about going to nCali to get my hands crystal-shine.
    do you think i need to work out some connection somehow?
    or just go to Emerald Triangle\ercata\eureka and wait for the miracle to happen?
    and man, thanks for that info.

    • Hey Kurtzi,

      Being a student you may be able to find success in Arcata, which is home to Humboldt State University and full of people our age whenever classes are in session. I would recommend trying to make friends with locals around your age and then trying to squeeze in that way. Become friends first and then inquire if they know anyone who needs any work done. Arcata has no fast food, only mom&pop restaurants that all ROCK! Eat out, mingle, explore the town, find some new friends. The town only has one good bar, the Alibi right there across from the town square, so once night falls lots of the younger generation will end up there.

      Eureka is a bigger town but without a university. However that is also where you will see a higher percentage of the stereotypical traveling hippies holding “will work for weed” signs.

      Since you’re arriving in July and the big harvest season does not kick off until September, you have a great window to get in before the rush and make connections. Just don’t tell anyone you read about it online. I want to be able to come back to work this season myself and they definitely do not know I have written about any of this….shhhh! 😉

  8. I lived in redding Calif now I live in Arkansas I am so ready to go home growing has been in my family for years its time to go home

    • Hi gaylon! Got email need to get in contact, im from argentina leaving at tahoe at the moment, and going to emerald area at end of may, tnks!

  9. Very interesting story? It’s one of them jobs that can zen out your mind.
    And if you can appreciaate the time added with the patience that it
    takes to make a bud beautiful, you can take from it the psychadelic
    intelligence, that the cannibis plants enery fields add to your life.
    It’s an ever expaning fight that we are all fighting, and to say the least.
    Winning. I hope to see the Good Vibrations on Sattilte this Harvest season.
    That Northern California feel for the fields of everlasting Spirit.

    • Luckily the farms usually have sleeping quarters. However the key word there is ‘usually.’ Often it’s just a trailer or simple guest house, nothing fancy. But if they don’t have anywhere to sleep whoever is bringing you out there for the work will warn you, so that you can bring a tent and sleeping bag.

      Food however is something you must get for yourself. Some people bring simple stuff from town but others will go on grocery runs to the local town market (all of those small towns up in the Humboldt hills have one gas station-grocery store-general store-post office all combined into one li’l ol’ building). If you’re working inside of a trailer or house then usually you have free access to the kitchen, so cooking the food is not a problem. However if you are really out there and/or staying in a tent, it’s best to only get food that can be quickly cooked over a portable camp grill.

  10. Hi Derek! Thank for the information is really useful for the rookies! Me and my boyfriend are thinking to go it easy to get a job in the same farm? And…what about the raids? Are common and often? We’ll be there with the tourist visa….that minds more problems? Thank you again!

    • Hey Julia, no worries, that raids are not that often at all. Plus there are just so damn many greenhouses and outdoor grow setups that statistically you have a really small chance of being there during a raid. The locals are pretty good at warning each other when the heli’s start flying around.

      But if anything should happen, all you have to say is “it’s the economy man, I just needed work, regardless of what it was.” The trimmers are always just set free. After all they aren’t the big dogs that The Man is after.

  11. I live in florida in about 8 months I will be going to oaksterdam . Wish yo one day meet you . @derek4real. #Boston George

  12. In Toronto till end of August. Heading to Cali for September to November and would love nothing more then to get a trimming job. Would be more then grateful if you could email me the details in doing so 🙂

  13. Hey!

    I just quit my job and so in July, I’ll be a free (lady) bird. I don’t put up with much sh*t despite my appearance. Trying to hit up any of my connections out in NorCal. I’ve farmed before so ag jobs are no stranger. Could you email me with more info? I could use an escape from NYC, a fiscally prosperous one wouldn’t hurt either.


  14. Hello Derek! LOVED the article – thanks for all your information. I’m a nomadic experience junkie myself currently traveling the west coast doing work trade on organic farms and just living life. I’ll be hopping down to California next month for an indefinite amount of time and would freakin’ LOVE to get a seasonal job on one of these farms… not just for monetary gain, but the experience would be rad. Could you shoot me an email with any more info? Anything would be appreciated.

  15. Wow!! I really LOVE your post!!! I heard about this kind of job in California and Canada 3 years before travelling India. Now I’m without a job and in Spain… I talked with my mother about this and she found your article for me hahaha Awesome! I want to put ALL my energy to get this job so I will appreciate A LOT if you can email me with more information. Now I’m trying to sell my car to make money to start my farming adventure!
    THANKS and best wishes for you!

  16. I would love to do this kind of work/travel. I’m headed to California just before fall. I just quit my job, now I just need some contacts.

  17. Great article Derek! It really sounds like your living the life out there. I’m currently working a seasonal summer job as a cabana boy in Pensacola Florida. I’m looking to take the next school year off and move out west for some more seasonal work and extra money for school.Your article has really encouraged me to pack my back pack and start catching rides out west.
    If you could send me an email with some more info on how to get a job out there it would be greatly appreciated.

  18. Hi Derek!
    Thank you so much for that article. I’ve been looking for that kind of job for a few years now, and never found any useful information like this one.
    It would be great if you could email me some more details, about how can I actually find a job as a trimmer, who can I talk to etc.
    Many many thanks!!! (:

  19. Hi Derek, Thank you for all the information you are giving in this post! Really helpful! I am traveling to Cali and would love to get a trimming job this fall. Do you have any more details you can send me by email? Thanks again!

  20. What an amazing story! Answered all my questions. I am a full time medical marijuana trimmer in Colorado and would love to be a part of this. I’m free to up and go at any time, and am VERY fast. I can trim up to 3- 3 1/2 pounds of dry buds a day (lots of practice, lol).

    Love what you do, hope you get back to me, will be following you!

    • Nice, you’re faster than me! They would love you out there for sure! Just wait until harvest season kicks off and their is an abundance of work. The remaining 9 months of the year it is all sporadic indoor grows and you usually have to already know someone / have your foot in the door to get in on those.

      I’ve checked out the scene in Colorado too but I always had better luck (and better buds) in Cali. Let me know how it all goes for you — maybe we’ll cross paths out there! Best of luck! 🙂

  21. How’s going mate? we are a traveler couple and we’ll be
    in Cali next september and we wanna try to work for a while as trimmer. if u have some other “sweet” information as contact of the farmers to share, i leave you my email [email protected]. thx my mate

    • Hey Carlo, thanks for the comment. Always glad to connect with fellow travelers, especially ones with a fondness for my favorite plant 😉

      Email sent…hope it helps! Let me know if any more specific questions.

  22. Ciao Derek!
    We are an italian couple planning to travel in California for a while, we want to go and work as trimmer, do you have any farmers contact to share? I leave you my email [email protected]
    Ty mate

    • Sorry Melissa, I’ll gladly help out any way I can but unfortunately I cannot share any of my California contacts. In fact if they knew about this article then I would no longer have a job there waiting for me every year…

      But if you read through the whole article and all the comments too then you will definitely find some tips to help increase your odds of finding work. Best of luck to you both! 🙂

  23. How’s is going Derek? I was wondering if you could give me some info on how to get a trimming job for this upcoming season. I have searched the Internet pretty hard and have come up with no real way to go about this. Didn’t know if you knew someone to hook up with or what your advice would be? My email is [email protected] Thanks for your help and hope to hear from you soon! -Justin

  24. Hey Derek, wazup? My name is Jose, i’m Brazilian, 25. I’m traveling from South America to the US since 2010, a long way up there! Since im on the road i’ve met a lot of travelers and growers wich had told me about the experience that you very generously shared with us on this blog, and i’m really interested on it. I’m now on Mexico City and trying to find a nice contact to work in there, but is being hard to find someone – most of my mates are already on the mountains so is being hard to get in touch with them, and i don’t know how posible is to just go to california and wander trying to find a job. If there’s any posibility to get in touch with you it would be awesome as you seem to be a responsable and respectable one on this subject.
    Thanks hermano! 🙂

    • Yup, those mountain folk can be notoriously hard to get a hold of. Even nowadays much of that region has no cell phone service and relies solely on landlines and word of mouth. That is part of why lots of people just arrive in Cali with their fingers crossed, hoping for the best. Anyway, I just sent you an email — hopefully that will be a little more help. Best of luck bro!

    • I got lucky and did went on a Six-Month Hippie Road-Trip with several people that were born and raised in Northern California — they were my ‘in’ to the whole scene. Unfortunately I don’t have any contacts I can share though. In fact if they knew I had written about my experiences there then I would never be allowed back up on the mountain. And trust me, I like heading up there every year! Such a shame that this year will be my first to miss it…I’m in Indonesia now, exploring Asia again for a year or so…

  25. Hi Derek,
    What a great article,so detailed and great writing 🙂 I met few people who used to work on farms in California when I was travelling in South America but unfortunately I did not share contacts with them 🙁 I am thinking about doing it this year.I know you have been bombarded with emails but I would like to ask for some contacts/tips please. My email is [email protected]. Peace

    • Sorry, cannot share any of my contacts — if they found out I had written about this then they would not even let me come back to work. But I will email you some tips bro. Best of luck from Indonesia!

  26. Hey Derek I woukd love if you gave me some advice and tips on getting a trimmer job in norcal an I know you’re living life the way it should be much luck and blessings!

  27. In your expert opinion – how safe would you say is it for two 20-something Asian girls to go looking for a trimming job at the end of the summer? I have a friend who has contacts up there but he isn’t sure if he can “hook it up” so we might just go and hope that luck is on our side. I’d love your opinion. Thanks and safe travels!

    • Hey Jenn, thanks for your comment and question — sorry for my late response, I’m backpacking it around Asia right now and wifi is sporadic.

      It is definitely safe for “two 20-something Asian girls” but be wary of any places that higher “women only.” Those are usually horny guys who will use every trick in the book to distract the women from work, or offer to pay them more if they trim topless. Other than that everyone is laid back, friendly, and very hospitable. So yes, I would go for it if I were you! 🙂

      Best of luck out there!

        • A Note To Everyone Reading:
          If you can’t even get my name right then please don’t expect me to waste my time responding to your blank request for more information. Not only do I get dozens of emails pertaining to this article every week but 9 times out of 10 these questions can be answered if you truly read (not skim) the entire article and my comment responses. Hell use Ctrl-F and search the page. But don’t think I’m going to continue to respond to “email me” requests on a post that is over two years old unless people feel like throwing a few dollars my way via PayPal to pay for my time.

  28. Hey Derek,

    How do I get involved with this? I really really really want to! Please could you email me
    anything that you wanna tell me, i’ve been looking for something like this for so long!

    Gabriela xxx

        • You can up to $9,999 across in cash. $10k+ has to be declared and explained. So if you make more than that, you will have to either deposit some into a bank, purchase money order(s), make multiple trips across, travel with other people (the $10k limit is per person) or just go for it and hope you don’t get searched.

          BTW, this was actually a great question. Thanks for that. So tired of the same ol’ questions here. (People reading this, just do a page search to find what you are looking for before commenting…thanks!)

  29. Hey, I’ve been looking to trim this Harvest. I just moved to the west coast.
    I’m 26, good shape, healthy, don’t do drugs or drink, a hard worker & fast learner.
    Do you have any other tips? I know & understand you can’t give contacts.
    [email protected] is me. Thanks so much!

  30. Hi Derek,
    Iam a 28-y-o aregentinian/italian traveller, nowadays around Cambodia, and hopefully heading North America to start tripping down to South America. Working in a weed farm in Califronia seemed like an utopic job and the best option to work in order to save a little bit of money to keep travelling southwards. So I found out about this blog, and thus me writing you. Just had a look at your last reply (and indeed to an argentinian as well) and realize you are not able to share the contacts. Do you know if it is somehow possible for travellers (with no working visa) to even get a job around there?
    If you can share any info, I would be more than grateful ([email protected]).


    • Hey Diego,

      Are you still in Cambodia? I am in Singapore now, about to leave for Malaysia. Will be in Cambodia soon after — would be great to cross paths!

      To answer your question, no working visa is needed. The job is completely off the books, no taxes or even formal paychecks, just straight cash money. The landowners don’t care who they hire — locals, traveling hippies, foreign tourists, anybody and everybody is welcome. As long as they can work that is 🙂

      I actually worked with a guy from Costa Rica one season and he was in the USA on a simple tourist visa.

      Best of luck out there bro! And let me know how long you will be in Cambodia 🙂

  31. Hi Derek

    Thanks very much for this article it has been very helpful for me to get things more clear

    I am looking forward the next september to try to get some jobs over there but unfortunately I don’t know anyone over there

    I know you can’t give me any contacts but I’ve seen you may be able to email me some tips that may help me in my job hunting??

    Thanks in advance for your help

    my email : [email protected]

    hugs from Brasil


  32. Hey Derek I’m Marco and i’m very interested in the trimming job. Im 25yrs old. If u can e-mail me to give me more information about where can i apply.

    PS: I’m from Portugal, is it a inconvenient?


    • Hey Marco~ No worries, they hire foreigners just as easily as locals. In fact one of the fastest and most dedicated workers I ever met was from Costa Rica. That guy could do 3lb/day like it was nothing! Anyway, I’m shooting you an email now. Best of luck out there bro!

  33. Ho there, Derek I was wondering If you can helpme out with some tips ( Locations, towns, spots … ) because I´m coming in September and I´ve never been in Cali before, I really need to get this job, hopefully you can give me a hand. David.

    My e-mail : [email protected]

  34. Great service there Derek! Much appreciated bro! I’m actually from a horticultural background already and am actually a qualified horticulturist 🙂

    From Ireland which is a difficult place for work right now and would love to do this for Autumn as well as experiencing North California and even Oregon further on.

    Just like the others any more tips and pointers in the right direction would be of great help. Would appreciate an email and it would be of major help to someone in my situation.


  35. Hi Derek
    Me and my girlfriend would be glad to get some tips from you how to get a job like this! We would be very grateful if u can help us by emailing us some information about locations, towns, how to get contact in common.
    Thanks in advance! Alex

    My email: [email protected]

  36. Hey Derek,

    thank a lot for this article, very informative, well writen, certainly clarifies a lot for all of us willing to take up this job and do not have the experience. Me and my mate are travelling from Europe to Cali and definitely going up to the mountains. I would appreciate if you could send me some more information to my email. I know you have done that x-times but we all do want to get that job 🙂 Thank you

    • Hey Tom,

      You are certainly right — I’ve emailed well over a hundred people more information yet so far only a handful of people have replied back with a thank you. In fact I am about to stop responding to these comments and emails b/c it is taking up to much of my time and people do not seem appreciative of that fact…

      Anyway, email sent. Hope it helps — and that you respond with a thank you.

  37. Hi Derek,

    I just read your article and gained a lot of insight as to what exactly the job entails, thanks a lot! I’ve also just skimmed your replies and was totally amazed that you seemed to have answered a lot of peoples requests so I’m hoping that answer mine! You said that work “up in the mountains” usually starts late sept and then forward, my boyf and I are looking to start early sept or as early as possible before leaving to mexico in October. Would really LOVE some info on sights, contact info (if avail), where to head, even if its just a few town names, anything would be of help! Just saw your last email also, your reply will be much appreciated and I’ll let you know it. Anything would be useful. Thanks again! Great article =)

  38. Hi Derek, me and my boyfriend are travelling around south america at the moment and had a hook up in humboldt that fell through . we are running outta money fast and are thinking of travelling up to cali anyway to try our luck but would really really appreciate some tips..i know you seem to have done it millions of times but it would be massively helpful. happy travelling this summer and i look forward to hearing from you

  39. Hi Derek,
    I read the full forum and understand that these lock to answer. I would appreciate if you could send me some tips. For example some special bar farmers to get together. Any hints more. Also it would be the idonea season to plant me in any of these towns mentioned. I come from Spain, I have little money and I can not spend much time out of work, consuming in USA

    • In Arcata there are literally only a couple bars in the whole town — and only one in Fortuna. They are both small places. Eureka has more of a nightlife scene but is harder to find work in. Email sent.

  40. Hi! My boyfriend and I are looking for some trim work. We have never done it before but we traveled cross country to try. We are fellow street kids so we would like to go to an area that isn’t blown up by raggedy looking people who will ruin it for those of us who know proper hygeine and can keep up with our outer appearances. Where should we go to get the best chances for work? Email me please!

    [email protected]


      • hey derek,
        would love some contacts too. have long term experience with growing the plant an would love to get a possition where i can tace care of a part of one of the plantations. if not im happy with some trimming for the beginning. if you could send me some contakts where i can send my resume i would be more than thankful.
        all the best,

  41. HI, my name is Carlos, I am from Spain and Im travelling in South america now and I want to spend 3 months in Califonia on september . I have the inteest to work in this job. Could you please pass me some contact or link in the internet related to it?

    • Clearly you have not read any of the previous comments. I cannot and will not divulge any of my contacts. In fact I am also done responding to repeat comments and questions that are already answered in the article.

  42. Thanks for your email and help Derek! Greatly appreciated! The responses on this are a perfect example of where society is today? Take take take no give and little thanks! Where is the common courtesy?

  43. derek. ive herd that humboldt is not really the hotspot for finding work what citys do you think are going to be doing the most hiring.
    hey thatnks for taking the time to share you experience and trying to give as much info as you can.

    • I always had much more luck in Humboldt than in Mendo or Trinity — the people are friendlier there. Of course everyone’s experience / perception is different and I can only speak of my own years up there…

  44. Hello Derek,

    I heard already about something like this and i m very happy to see that jobs like this exist 😉
    its very beautifull what you make here 😉 please could you send me some info about how i could come into this? im from austria it would be very helpfull thank you 🙂 love and peace Bianca

  45. Hi Derek, sorry to be one more asking for that email with some more tips that u’ve got and i promisse u that i won’t be asking for contacts, ok???? lol
    Thanks for all the information u passed to us and if u r still in Indonesia please have a blast in Gili Trawangan, Sama Sama reggae bar will be waiting for u… [email protected]
    Thanks a lot

  46. Hey Derek, Great read! For those looking for work and/or that are paid by the lb, you might consider taking a look at one of these. They are absolutely remarkable and save about 70% of the time while catching all the trimmings, and I kid you not – it’s better than hand trim! I have a handful of friends coming out that way next month with their wands in tow. They’ve made a huge difference for our harvesting (and our bottom line) out here in Colorado – good luck with everything and keep up the great posts.

  47. hey derek

    living in france me and my girlfriend would like to take a trip a cross California
    and we would like to work on these fields to earn experience, discover and earn money of course 🙂

    can you tell me where people like us from another country should looking for for a job

    thank you very much greeting from france

    • Foreigners have just as equal of a chance at getting hired as traveling Americans do — more so if they are “cool cats” hehehe. I’ve worked with trimmers from both Central America and Europe. Anyway a brief email has been sent, hope it helps 🙂

  48. Hello Derek! I also like a lot of people want to go to Cali to experience cutting, of course mean that you can not reveal your contacts, but whatever your advice would be very helpful …. I leave you my email [email protected] thanks in advance to write to me, and the help you are giving us all.
    Asia is beautiful, I know it for the most part if you want to ask advice as well …… Pura vida

  49. Hey,
    I read all the comments here… Very interesting 🙂
    I understand that you cannot help with contacts but I became a lot smarter… 🙂
    Now I know the towns and that I have to just be there to find a job and be lucky to find a good one… 🙂
    I will try it this september, october, … With a tourist visum (I’m Belgian)
    Maybe one question, is it easy to find cheap and clean accomodation untill I have a job?
    Thx Geert

    • Hey Geert,
      GOOD QUESTION! Depends on what your definition of cheap is. Up there $100 bills are referred to as “Humboldt twenties” because there tends to be a lot of money flowing around. You can find budget hotel chains along the 101 for around $50-60, but I do believe there are some hostels in the region as well. Unsure if they are much cheaper though but probably not during the trimming season due to the influx of backpackers. Unfortunately since I have friends in the area I have always stayed with them, and as such do not have much advice on the abundance of hostels in the Emerald Triangle. Sorry.

  50. Hey Derek,
    Great article, very informative. I plan on flying into sanfran at the start of october and working for a couple months. Do you think its realistic to expect to make ten grand by mid december?
    I have done other forms of piece work, picked fruit/planted trees in BC.
    Thanks for the article.

    • It’s possible but would definitely be in the upper ranges. Of course it all depends on how fast you can trim and the abundance of crop available. Those are both BIG variables.

  51. Hey Derek,
    Im looking to get put to work. 40yo, i dont have any experience but can work like a machine.
    i live in SoCal and can make my way up that way anytime.
    would greatly appreciate any tips, info on how to go about getting work trimming that is if your still responding to posts. thanks bro.

    • Still responding, just been motorcycling around Indonesia and have not had the time to answer people — especially because so very few actually thank me. Anyway an email as been sent your way. It is a mass email and will be the last responses I give unless someone comes up with some truly creative questions. Best of luck, hope it helps!

  52. Hey! I noticed that a LOT of people have been writing to you.
    I’m a big traveler and I’m trying to go to the US for a while, specially Cali.
    (I’m Swedish)
    Can you send me some info of who to contact please because this is a job I really would love to do! [email protected]
    Thanks, Lee

  53. Hey Derek thanks fro all your information. Would greatly appreciate more info like what are the best dates to start looking for work along the 101, and any other tips you could provide. THANKS!!

  54. Hi there! My name is Mary-Jane. I’ve been looking for something like this to read about to see if there was anyway I could meet someone to get me started on a job trimming and growing for the season. Like some of these other posts, I have no idea how to get incontact with you. When you get a chance, if you don’t mind, please hit me up with some more information. In the mean time, stay easy and smiling. Thank you!!

    • ciao, sono italiano anche io , hai qualche altra forse trovo una dritta..magari teniamoci in contatto. sono a bologna e tu?

  55. I would love to know more about fall work. A friend would do it for 2 weeks at a time, and it didn’t sound like a bad way to make some money. Thanks for the article! kl

  56. Hi Dereck, me and my friend are spanish and we were very up to go to Cali and try to find some job. Unfortunately we are having second thoughts seems we think it may be late getting a farm to work in. Do you think we are still on time to do it? (thanks in advance, i ve seen you have awnsered all the questions to everyone and i think its very cool form you, thanks honestly!!!!

  57. wow! i’m already appreciative and grateful for the information i have gained from this website, thank you derek for your existence, its an important movement, because of sinsemilla, cancer is eliminated, and all kinds and forms of illnesses are going to be of past mythology. with that being said do you mind sending me an email derek, as it would help me immensely in more than one way. i’m already thankful for your past and current and future efforts, sincerely daniel.

  58. Hey man, I just got to Cali and have been living off of cereal bars and staying on venice beach/friends couches. Can you e-mail me any info on how to get at trim job or who to look for/where to go? Thanks so much man.

    [email protected]

  59. Hey, my name is Isabelle, I’m a high school senior in Vermont. I’m planning on taking a gap year next year to work and travel. Right now my plan is to drive across the country and hopefully find a job in CA for the summer. I’m going to work for a few months to save up money and then travel to Hawaii and (hopefully) New Zealand! Anyway~This sounds like it would be perfect! Anyway you could give me some more info? My email is: [email protected]
    Thanks so much!

  60. Hi!!

    I’ve been hearing about it for years, but I never had no idea of how to get it. I’ll go to California this year on Agust (want job in Oct-Nov) to see a friend (first trip to UE, I’m from Spain), and I have not any contact to start to work or where to start, because I don’t know anybody there and I really want to get a job & money to pay the bills, and this job is fucking amazing I allways want to!! 😀
    Could you send me some info? [email protected]


  61. Hey man thanks for the info, I was thinking of heading over to the Humboldt area to get some work as a trimmer. Can you hook me up with a job? It’d be greatly appreciated! Hoping to move out there to start growing myself, but got my student loans to worry bout first. Thanks man!

  62. hey! i know you said you werent going to respond anymore, but i have a couple of questions before i just run out to california. Where is the best places to look for these jobs? my and a couple of friends are supposed to be headed out this week. Also how many day does it generally take to find a job? I would really appreciate some more information! thanks so much and i hope indonesia is treating you beautifully, i hope to make it out there by may if i can make some money this and next season! thank you

    • Thanks, Indonesia is treating me amazingly well — just finished my first film here and my co-star was a famous Indonesian TV star. She and I had an absolute blast on set and the video apparently turned out awesome, although to be honest I have yet to see it.

      Anyway, I had better luck in Humboldt than in Mendocino, but that was just me. As far as how long it takes to find a job, usually — if you are arriving in the area and don’t know anyone there already — it is a minimum of 3-4 days but sometimes as long as a couple weeks. It all depends on your people skills and how quickly you can make friends with the locals.

  63. I’m already grateful of the information that i have gained through this website. It’s an important movement, hemp oil has been clinically proven to kill cancer cells. Cannabis has multiple uses and is a widely respected healing herb that is known throughout the entire planet, and will only continue to grow in its popularity. Although in life i have learned that heartfelt moderation is key to consumption, a balance to taking in. i have thought long and hard about wanting to go to california and i have arrived to the conclusion that i would love to check it out. i would love some info on how to go about it? Thank you derek, honestley, i will appreciate it many times over,

    • Sorry, I really don’t have much information to pass out besides the rather extensive load already covered in my article and these few hundred comments. Take a look back through it all and I bet all of your questions will be answered. If not, let me know!! 🙂

  64. Hello Derek,

    So I’m currently extremely interested in heading up north to try to get a trimming job but pretty nervous about the chance of not getting hired by anyone because I have no connections out there. I was wondering if you have any advice or tips on how to get hired out out there or if you could help me or anything. I would greatly appreciate it. My email is [email protected]. Thanks.

    • Hey Derek,

      I was also wondering how safe it is out there. I’ve heard that its gotten a bit sketchy lately. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.

      • “Safe” in terms of safe from the government or from unscrupulous individuals? I worked out there in 2010, 2011, and 2012 and it was perfectly safe. There was once or twice when the helicopters overhead got close to make the farm owners worry but nothing bad ever came of it. I will not say I’ve not heard a horror story here and there but I will say those are few and far between.

  65. Hi Derek I will like to receive more info about the jobs opportunity’s in any Country that you may know Uruguay recent start to cultivate for legal distribution. It would be nice to find a source that will advice people on how to work and travel farming canavis send me your information package to [email protected] I also want to share this CNN documentary about the benefits of canavis for the health of many people Thanks in advance for the info keep up the good work And lets all enjoy life to the fullest.

  66. first, i just want to say thank you for the already informative blog posts! they have been a real help in my decision to travel out west. also the trip you are on sounds absolutely amazing and i plan to travel after this season. it would be a great help in you could send me some more information. i would really appreciate it 🙂

    [email protected]
    thank you my friend
    safe travels

  67. Hey Derek – I’m a recent graduate and can’t find any work but like to travel. I don’t smoke anymore but like you said: some people are in it for the money. One of my friends said she’s been doing this for a few years but didn’t give me any real details. Can you send me some info on where to look? [email protected]

  68. Hi Derek
    I book a flight from Greece to San Francisco for next week.
    No connections, no nothing, i just make a coin flip and hopefully be lucky and get a trimmer job…so any info is very welcome !
    Thanks in advance )

  69. Thanks Derek awesome article…I recenlty had a great convo with a traveling hippie that mentioned having done some trim work in the past. I’m by trade a chef and am looking to start my own business..but need some more capital and creat9ive ways of making cash. Right now I’m ready to make some bold moves..I’m fast with my hands and can stand or sut in one place for long peroiods of time having done plenty of heavy production. Can also help with development and production of edibles. Would really appreciate a hook-up for a serious worker.

  70. Hi guys, thank you Derek for all your informations and help, nowadays is so difficult to find someone that helps others without asking anything in return. I’m italian and I will travell to California in the next days to visit friends and family, and I’d like to work in the mj fields, better than harvesting apple like I use to do here in Italy in the fall. First answer is about the right time to find a work like trimmer: is it now (early October) too late to find a job? I will try to find growers moving around without a car, do you think it is realistic to do, or I need a car in all cases? Have you some mail contact to make my job search easier? If not, can you recommend a place where I can more easily ask people for a job in the mj fields?
    Thanks in advance for any answers and for your loss of time.

  71. Hey Derek!

    My name is Sarah and my boyfriend and I have been traveling all through California looking for trimming jobs for a while now with no luck! We’re in Mendocino county right now just hoping a job will turn up. Do you have any contact information I could have for farms that possibly need some workers?

    Here’s my email,
    [email protected]

    Thanks a million, the article was very informative!


  72. Hi there! This article was very interesting. A friend of mine and I are both preschool teachers on the east coast losing our minds with boredom. We were planning a trip out west for summer 2014 to see family, and this would be a fantastic way to make some funds. If you wouldnt mind sending me some information, like contacts, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you! [email protected]

  73. Hi Derek, Thank you for the informative article. I am travelling around California right now and am looking for this kind of work. If you have any contacts and are willing to share them I’d be very grateful! Happy travels. [email protected]

  74. I Derek could you send to me the mail with addictional info and tips?
    I read that the job is going on till december and some trimmers leave their places because of the hard and bored that the job is, so I think that is not late to try looking for it even in the middle of october.
    Thank you in advance for your precious help.

  75. HI Derek
    I just moved to California from New York, on my first leg of travelling to pretty much anywhere any time I want. And I am looking to start funding that as quickly as possible. I just read your bog post on picking marijuana in Northern California and I was wondering if you could help me with a little bit more information as to how I go about that. If there is a website I can go to directly or a direct email address.
    I would also love to hear more about your travels where you are and what you are up to. [email protected]

    • From the amount of traffic this page gets, I’m pretty sure this is the most helpful link on the web. If you read the entire article and all the comments then I am sure that will answer 99% of your questions. Let me know if you have any more specific ones though…

      • Hi Derek I read your article and all the comments and I have been in the business for about a year or so. I don’t need any connects or contacts I just had a few questions about pricings and how it fluctuates. Thanks so much. I believe my email is sent. I would love to hear back.

  76. Hi Derek! I enjoyed reading your article and was wondering if you could give me any tips on finding a job (obviously I understand you can’t give me a direct contact LOL). Where would you suggest I look for the job? What are the best times of the year to look for a job? How skilled should I be at trimming weed ( as I have no prior experience). Any other useful tips would be a world of help, please send me a reply at [email protected]. Thanks!

  77. Hey! Great article and very great insight! I too am also looking for a trimming job. Im a quick learner and have trimmed before. So I have some experience and was wondering if you could help me out? My email is [email protected]. Thanks again and great post! Hope to hear back soon

  78. Hey Derek, do you have any connects out there? I am looking to go out there, so can you email me with some info like where are some spots that I should go and where should I checkout?? Please email..

    • I have lots of contacts out there…but I cannot send people I do not know out there. They don’t even know I’ve written this post. If they did then they certainly would never let me back in the loop.

  79. Dude, thanks for all the information.

    This will help me a lot since I’m up here and running out of funds quick. I get along with everyone and I’m fairly confident I can make friends with the right people.

    I’ll be travelling around nor cal till I find some kind of work, so hit me up of you need a ride or anything. I don’t know how else I can get you back for this article, brother.

    [email protected]

  80. Hi! I’m Caterina from Italy…i will fly to Oakland next time…maybe someone can give some contact for trimming work?? me and my boyfriend we have cut grapes in France for two years…but this is best that wine!!!
    contact me at
    [email protected]

    thank’s so much!!!!

  81. Hey Derek,

    Loved ur the article man. I’m really interested in making some good money in a field that I enjoy. If there is any thing you could do to point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

  82. hello,
    I read your interesting blog about the work in the sector of canapa spp, I’m Italian and I would like next year to make a working holiday in California and I’m opting for different types of work, but being a graduate in Agricultural Science and a great “smoke” this type of work is exceptional for me.
    Can you give me pointers on how I can find a job before you leave (I understand that I live in Europe, traveling and everything else!), Such as email addresses, telephone,
    thank you very much

  83. Hello guys!

    I am again Valentina and then in the previous comment that I was not given any response from you to my question of having contacts of some farm in California to work as a trimmer or anything else like that, so I’m writing my personal email and if you or anyone else wants to help me, I’d be very happy.
    [email protected]
    Again, I’m Italian and before leaving for the United States would like to find the contacts of some marijuana farm.

    • Hi Valentina. As I’ve mentioned repeatedly both in the bottom of the article and all the comments here, I cannot give out any contact information. The best I can offer is the advice on this page. If my friends in Cali knew I had written this post they would not allow me to come back to work next season…
